Guest Artists
(Upcoming and Past)

  • Kole Madigan - Past

    October 26th - 29th

    Please welcome an incredible artist who will be our guest from October 26th - 29th @kolemadigan_tattoos !

  • Devlin Baird - Past

    November 20th - 23rd

    Devlin is a very talented tattoo artist who specializes in multiple styles of tattooing, and enjoys to do detailed realism-based work. He also owns his own tattoo shop The Privateer in Canandaigua, NY.


    Looking to come do a guest spot with us? We would love to have you visit!

    We greatly appreciate when other tattoo artists visit us, and we pride ourselves on being able to provide a great environment for ourselves and for others.
    We provide many different supplies and furniture to make it an easy trip for you.

    Send us an inquiry to discuss further!

  • Josh Schutrum - Past

    October 7th and 8th, 2022

    Josh specializes in pop-culture style tattoos that are fun and colorful! He can do many different styles happily, however.

  • Alyssa Deeghan - Past

    September 6th and 7th, 2022

    Alyssa loves to do neo-traditional tattoos that can be either color and black and grey, and have ornamental or floral elements to them!

Upcoming events

  • We raised $8,700!

    Thanks so much to everyone who participated, we had nearly 100 people stop in to get tattooed and participate in our MBMC flash event. We still have a few people who have made later date appointments (their donations are also included), as of today we've made a total of $8700 to donate to the National Network of Abortion Funds 🎉

    We appreciate every single one of you and couldn't have asked for a better turnout 🙏🏻 We can't always make immediate changes in the world but we can try our damndest to be the change we want to see.

    Keep an eye out for future events - thank you everyone and stay safe out there 💜 #MBMC #abortionrights

  • Get What You Get - Pokemon Edition!

    We are currently offering a GWYG capsule-style machine tattoo randomizer! Contact us to set up an appointment to try your chance!

  • Philadelphia Tattoo Expo

    January 20th-22nd
    The team will be attending the Philadelphia Tattoo Expo in Philadelphia, PA!

    Some of the artists may have availability at the event, click the button to inquire (please specify about wanting to attend the expo)